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Ian Timbrell
Oct 16, 20237 min read
Who dear, me dear, queer dear, no dear?
The word "queer" has a long and complicated history, with its first recorded use in the English language dating back to the early 16th...

Ian Timbrell
Aug 28, 20234 min read
Grandad’s Pride - What Primary schools and parents need to know
You may have seen on social media or on the news, arguments over a book called Grandad's Pride, and whether it is inappropriate for...

Ian Timbrell
Aug 12, 20237 min read
The only gay in Montenegro?
Our trip to Montenegro marked the first time we had visited a Balkan state. Amid the picturesque landscapes and fascinating culture, the...

Ian Timbrell
Nov 17, 20224 min read
Should teachers come out of the closet?
There is a lot of conversation on social media at the moment from newly qualified teachers regarding whether they should be open about...

Ian Timbrell
Sep 20, 20227 min read
What the LGBTQIA+? What do the letters mean and why do we need them?
I’ve been thinking a lot recently about my own identity, where I fit into the LGBTQIA+ community, what the purpose of these labels are,...

Ian Timbrell
Aug 16, 20224 min read
Gender and school uniform; moving forward
It can be argued that our clothes, accessories, hairstyles and makeup are one of the fundamental external displays of gender that we...
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