Ian Timbrell
Training and Consultancy
A selection of our partners
What the LGBTQIA?
Gender and sexuality training to develop staff's understanding of diversity, and improve support for LGBTQIA+ children and staff.
More Than Flags and Rainbows
Our award winning package which includes an inclusion health check, an inclusion action plan, training, policy development and support.
Preparing for tomorrow: developing age-appropriate RSE
A package of support to develop staff understanding of effective RSE, which includes training, policy development, and a year group map to support progression and safeguarding.
The Write Path Cymru
A comprehensive resource aligned to the Curriculum for Wales, which supports teachers to plan, teach and assess writing. Available as a standalone resource or as a package of support.
My Approach
Simplicity, clarity and an approach based on sound knowledge and research, ensures that all training and consultancy prioritises high impact, whilst ensuring that high workloads are not added to. Customised sets of resources are available for all progress, allowing organisations to support change, aligned with their own vision, values and curriculum.
About me
I have worked in the education sector for 15 years in a range of Education settings, including as an ICT Advisor and a Deputy Head Teacher. My leadership and grammar work has been recognised in ESTYN Case studies and my previous Primary School will become the first Primary School in Wales to achieve the Proud Trust's Rainbow Award.
I am an adoptive father to my amazing 9 year old son, and I'm often found to be tweeting about books I'm reading, grammar, LGBT+ equality, life as a dad, or education in general.